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DotA 6.72b

Список изменений:
Living Armor now regenerates buildings only in a 900 aoe
• Leech Seed cooldown rescaled from 12 to 18/16/14/12
• Treant Protector base armor reduced by 1
• Essence Shift no longer permanently steals attributes
• Restored Shadowraze's original visual effect
• Recolored Spiritbreaker during Charge of Darkness to make it clear that he is no longer magic immune since 6.72

• Fixed a PPC Mac only bug that caused crashes on map selection
----------Make sure to delete the old map and restart---------

• Fixed a bug that caused saving and reloading to crash
• Fixed a bug with Infest and -switch
• Fixed a bug with Living Armor and -switch
• Fixed a possible fatal error with Whirling Axes on map edges
• Fixed Troll's bash not getting leveled up properly
• Fixed the lowest level of bkb and cheese being stealable
• Fixed Dragon Knight Elder Form interaction with Telekinesis causing the model to be stuck on the ground
• Fixed Wisp appearing in -randomint
• Fixed a bug with Whirling Axes and -swap
• Fixed some problems with Timewalk that caused it to drag performance down a lot
• Fixed a few other misc bugs
Dota Добавил: ADMIN Просмотров: 813 Загрузок: 543
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